Alluviam is excited to announce the release of HazMasterG3 Version 27, offering a completely refreshed, modern user interface and a range of new features that benefit Hazmat and EOD operators. This update includes expanded real-time detector integration, adding...
State Department Determines Russia Used Prohibited Chemical Weapons in Ukraine
The US State Department has sent to Congress its determination that Russia has used, and continues to use prohibited chemical warfare agents against Ukraine. This continues Russia's pattern of illegal use of chemical weapons, including their support of the regime in Syria's use against Syrian civilians, in the UK with the posioning of Segei and Yulia Skripal, and against Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Most recently, Russia has been using Chloropicrin munitions in Ukraine, which are prohibited under the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991. HazMasterG3 delivers rapid and comprehensive guidance for methods on how to detect, decontaminate, isolate, protect and treat victims of chloropicrin exposure or to identify its precursors. Exposure to small amounts of chloropicrin (exceeding 1.4 parts per million) can lead to life threatening health effects or death. With over 167,000 materials and tradenames, HazMasterG3 delivers key insights to answer tough "so what does that mean" questions fast. It is also the only mobile, CBRNE/HME decision support system with full support on a broad range of devices without requiring internet connectivity.
About Alluviam LLC
Founded in 2002, Alluviam's technology has been adopted by the US Military, NATO, coalition partners and other agencies. HazMasterG3 puts state-of-the-art decision support in the hands of those that need it most. Only HazMasterG3 provides full capabilities on MS-Windows, or as an app on Linux, Android and iOS smartphones or tablets, and, is the only mobile counter-terrorism technology of its kind.