Alluviam is excited to announce the release of HazMasterG3 Version 27, offering a completely refreshed, modern user interface and a range of new features that benefit Hazmat and EOD operators. This update includes expanded real-time detector integration, adding...
Ready-to-run Mobile Solutions
HazMasterG3 excels at answering those really tough “So what does that mean questions”. With a larger database than any other integrated CBRNE decision support system – and the only one with full capabilities whether running on one of today’s handheld devices (choose from Windows Mobile, Android or iOS), HazMasterG3 provides insight when-and where-you need it. Plus, with full interoperability with HazMasterG3 running on an MS-Windows PC, you can train on the same system in the classroom as deployed in the field.
HazMasterG3 is the first, and only, CBRNE/HME/IED decision support system to support iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, MS-Windows and embedded detectors like ThermoFisher's Gemini integrated Raman/FTIR chemical detector, MetrOhm's Mira DS and SciAps's Raman detectors. We're the experts at mobile solutions. With our first PalmOS Based version of HazMasterG3 available in 2003, we've got more experience than any other organization at building mobile CBRNE/HME/IED decision support systems.
With a family of 8 patents in the CBRNE/HME decision support arena, we're the proven thought leaders in advanced decision support technology for responders, the military and intelligence community.