Fearing Suicide Bomber, SWAT Team Tackles Man with Two Black Suitcases Outside U.S. Capitol


Monday, April 11 - U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer reported that officers on-scene "felt it was a possible suicide bomber."  HazMasterG3®, with its advanced IED response capabilities, easily handles a scenario like this: two suspicious suitcases, and an individual possibly wearing a suicide vest.  HazMasterG3® can instantly provide the appropriate minimum evacuation guidance for building and outdoor evacuation distances for this type of combined threat, along with providing full accountability over how these recommendations were made.  Additionally, if the scenario were something worse, HazMasterG3® is the only mobile CBRNE response system that provides critical response guidance, isolation and evacuation distances, first aid recommendations and exposure limit guidance for a broad range of radiological dispersal devices and improvised nuclear devices.

HazMasterG3® is available today, and is the only DoD COE/JTA compliant solution available that runs, with full capabilities and interoperability, on a range of devices, from smart cell phones, handheld PDAs and laptop/desktop computers.  With 96,000+ agents and trade names available, is by far the most comprehensive HazMat/CBRNE decision support system available, and is the only system that can identify a broad range of unknown agents, chemical or radiological -- critical for terrorism response.  More information is available here.

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