Iranian National Apprended in Germany on Suspicion of Terror Attack


CNN reports that an Iranian national outside of Dusseldorf was apprehended on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack.  German responders were tipped off to the possible presence of ricin and cyanide.

HazMasterG3 provides comprehensive guidance on both ricin and various cyanide compounds, including advice on the selection and deployment of detectors able to detect the presence of either compound, isolation distances, precursors for both compounds, decontamination and medical guidance of exposure, along with other dangerous formulations for which both are precursors.  With over 167,000 materials and tradenames, HazMasterG3 is the most comprehensive CBRNE/HME decision support system available today, and is deployed by most federal agencies, along with the US Military, NATO and other allied countries.  HazMasterG3 is also the only system available that runs with full capabilities on a range of mobile environments, along with Windows laptops.

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