Alluviam is excited to announce the release of HazMasterG3 Version 27, offering a completely refreshed, modern user interface and a range of new features that benefit Hazmat and EOD operators. This update includes expanded real-time detector integration, adding...
HazMasterG3 Version 18 Release Now Available
Submitted by admin on Thu, 2014-09-18 21:45
Alluviam is pleased to announce that HazMasterG3 Version 18 has been released and is available at This release adds signficiant new capabilities in several areas:
- HazMat Quick Start - a new screen that synthesizes a lot of critical "first-out" key information onto one screen to provide you with an initial playbook on how to assess the initial hazards, health and safety measures, along with suggestions on initial first-out meters to take down-range for initial scene assessment. Anyone who is familiar with HazMatIQ will like this new capability. Plus, this screen works with any chemical in HazMasterG3, and is not limited to just those ~700 found in the NIOSH Pocket Guide. Additionally, all the guidance is based on the government published, peer-reviewed data that comprises the HazMasterG3 database of over 165,000 materials and tradenames. There are also links on the screen to jump to more detailed information available within HazMasterG3.
- Ordnance Identification has been enhanced with the addition of several hundred additional former warsaw pact nations munitions. This data comes courtesy the NATO EOD Centre of Excellence.
- Substantial new narcotics precursor data and outcomes have been added to the system. You can see some of the results on the Mix Tab, by tapping on the brown legend area for narcotics. Version 18 will indicate what is the most likely narcotics outcomes, and what leads to this conclusion.
- Precursors across the board have been uplifted, the system now tracks 42,000+ materials and tradenames that are known precursors for the production of chemical warfare agents, explosives and a range of narcotics.
- The Rad Dose Limit Stay Time Calculator has been enhanced to calculate results in both REM and Sieverts.
- The IND Standoff calculator, when estimating direct fatalities now includes a range of additional cities in Australia.
- Water solubility data has been added to chemicals, where known.
- Performance on HD Android and Retina iOS devices has been signficantly enhanced.
- Additional protective clothing, and detectors have been added to the system.
- Detector integration capabilities are now built-in. Readings from supported detectors can be integrated directly into the Mix-Tab to directly answer "So what does that mean" types of questions.
For more details, read the ReleaseNotes packaged with the Version 18 download for your platform. Remember, you need to log on to the website with your appropriate credentials in order to access the downloads, found under the Support menu on the site.